Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Millie's World as She Sees It

This is my blog and I have things to say. I have worked in the health care industry all of my life. I started out as an X-ray tech. I started X-ray school straight from high school. I figured if I didn't like working as an X-ray tech, I could use the skills to support myself until I could figure out what I wanted.
Right out of X-ray school, I started working nights in the ER of a level one trauma center (they really didn't have levels then but if they had this would have been a level one). I got to do alot more then X-rays at night. The ER was staffed with 2 RNs, an ER doc and an intern. I got to hang blood (after the RN checked it) and help with intubations (hand the doc suction or the tube). I got interested in doing more than X-rays. I went back to school and received my diploma in nursing while working full time in X-ray at night.
I went directly into ICU nursing when I graduated nursing school. I learned a tremendous amount. I became frustrated with how the unit was run so I became interested in management. I also felt I was not paid what a I was worth so I went back to school to get my bachelor's degree. I started out majoring in computer science (like my brothers) and after having to drop out of calculus or fail, I switched to nursing.
While working on my bachelor's degree I became interested in nurse anesthesia. Anesthesia had become safer with the advent of several patient monitors so I felt it was worth pursuing. 16 years ago I became a nurse anesthetist. What an awesome job I have!

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