Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Kitty

We have a new kitten. We got him from a friend who found the kitten in an empty rental house. The kitten was headed to the animal shelter so we took him in. Drew and I are not very inventive when it comes to naming our pets. One of our cat's name is Spot because she is mainly white with a couple of black "spots" hence the name. Another of our cats unofficial name is dumbitch (with small letters). She is truly a dumb cat. Drew saw her fall from the second floor landing on her head as a kitten. She has not been the same since. Drew swears the fall gave her brain damage.
When we were trying to think of a name for the new kitty I sent an email to many of my closest family and friends and got many good suggestions. The most obvious name was Socks because the kitten is all gray but has four white paws. We started calling him dumbdick since it was a male cat and dumbdick is an affectionate name Drew and his brother call eachother sometimes. But that didn't seem right since we barly knew the kitten and we didn't know if he was truly dumb. We finally settled on Richard the proper name of Dick from dumbdick.
Richard has been a joy. He has given our other cats hell. He is a ball of engery and wants to play all the time. Richard sleeps with us at night and jumps on our feet in the morning. He is the sweetist cat we have!