I slept well last night, actually all day yesterday and last night. After I got home from my 24 hour shift, I slept from 10:00a.m.to 4:00p.m. then 11:00p.m. to 7a.m. I love to sleep after a call shift like that. Now I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday off.
I watched Oprah yesterday, it was very moving. Her show was on animal mills, it broke my heart. We got our last 3 inside cats from the animal shelter. We also have an outside cat that has adopted us. Early on we caught her and had her spayed. She has been around for 4 years which is a long time for a strictly outside cat. We've made her a nice warm and dry place to sleep in the winter and feed her as frequently as our inside cats. This picture is of Lucky, our outside cat. She will come up to our door and look inside to let us know she's here. My husband can actually pet her if he approaches her slowly.